Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Very talented kids

So while not techincally an Eva post, it does involve some very talented kids. I can't stop laughing everytime I see this one. Best commerical of the year. PERIOD. Plus - who doesn't love Rapper's Delight?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"I need ...."

With all her words, Eva is figuring out that she needs a lot of stuff.
"I need more water mommy."
"I need grandma book."
"I need blanket."
"I need ball."

She is really starting to string together quite a few words and it is so fun the see. It is also awesome to see her memory building. Last night, I put her to bed and she was playing with a golf ball. I told her to put it away and she could have it in the morning. Eva woke up this morning as said "I need ball mommy." I couldn't believe she remembered. Smart cookie.

As a reminder that they grow up fast, a picture of her and daddy about a year ago.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All I want for Christmas is...

Technically its what mom wants for Christmas for Eva. But isn't it adorable? Eva loves playing in the kitchens of her cousins houses. I love that its wood and that it is RED!
Pottery Barn Kids - Red Retro Kitchen

Friday, December 4, 2009

"I hold you mommy"

Its the phrase that just melts my heart. Eva says this when she wants to be picked up. How can you say no to that?

Welcome back from our break - I was super busy at work (what else is new?) and promise to get Christmas pictures updated quickly. Eva has been busy learning all sorts of words and phrases and developing gross and small motor skills like crazy. She can now ride her scooter we bought for her in London, says multi-word phrases like "sun, up high in the sky," and could color all day long holding her crayon just perfectly.

Below are some more recent pics of Eva and the family.
