Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas decorating

As a big Christmas fan, I enjoy decorating for the holiday. Much to Jamie's chagrin, I love a real tree. Yes the needles get messy and you are still finding a few months after you took the tree out, but nothing can replace the scent of a real tree. We put up our tree this year and have got the lights on it. After a couple days of passive observation, Eva decided to check it out. So far, her favorite part is the tree skirt. She tries to pull herself up on the branches but has now realized they aren't as sturdy as say a coffee table, her parent's legs, a leap frog table or the incredi-block.

Now we'll see if we get to putting any ornaments on the tree this year...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Sighting

Many of you know, little Eva now has two teeth on the bottom. She is fascinated by them and keeps running her tongue over them. While the teeth came awhile ago, they weren't showing up until now. Eva is shy and doesn't want to show her teeth. Fortunately I was quick with the camera and got a couple shots for posterity for you all.
Side view of lower centrals

Front view of Eva's lower centrals

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving Smackdown

At Thanskgiving Eva and cousin will enjoyed some old fashion wrestling time. Eva is pushing him around until Will decides to fight back with a right hook to the cheek. Very amusing!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Safety 1st

While Eva being so mobile these days, we've started the task of baby proofing the house. Trouble is, this little girl loves to pull off the padding we put around the sharp edges of the coffee table. She thinks it is really funny to do. We also love ridding on our blue hippo these days.

Here she is jabbering while destroying daddy's handywork.