Friday, June 27, 2008

Looks who's talking

Fun development, Eva is now really trying hard to talk. If you are playing with her and look away, she'll start "talking" to try and get your attention. It is really fun to see. Also, I love to her her giggle. It is more of a chuckle but you can't help but smile when she laughs.

This week she has been rolling over again from her tummy to her back. This morning while Jamie and I were getting ready for work, she rolled over from her back to tummy. She is getting stronger every day. At school they had her sitting up and she sat up by herself for a whole couple of seconds. That's my girl!

We're getting her pictures taken this weekend, so check the blog again for those!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there reading this. Eva and her daddy celebrated their first Father's Day up at the cabin. It was an ok weekend weather wise, but they had fun.

Last week Eva had her first ear infection. She has been kinda off since it happened. Not as smiley and fun, but still our precious little girl. When she was at the doctor's last week she got weighed again a rang it at 14 pounds, 1 ounce. This girl is definitely steadily gaining some weight.

One of Jamie's favorite things to do it to tickle Eva's thighs. She thinks this is the funniest thing in the world and giggles for us. Nothing is as precious as her little laugh.

Eva and Jamie celebrating their first Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eva's Three Month Old

Eva turned three months old yesterday! How fast they grow up. To celebrate we went to Mike T's birthday party at Poncho Villa for tacos. Eva was so well behaved at the restaurant. She loved looking around at the lights, ceiling fans and the TVs.

Giggles are now much more frequent and she love to laugh with her dad. Jamie tickles her tummy and she thinks it is super funny.

Eva "graduated" to her crib on Monday night. She was busting at the seams in the bassinet. It is now super fun to see where she will wake up at in the morning since she scoots so much with her feet. Eva is a very mobile little girl!

This picture is a couple weeks old, but she looks so darn cute!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Week of Daycare

Eva went to her first day of daycare on Monday. She is in a classroom with all boys right now. Big boys. She has a little friend there named Luke to watch out for her. Luke's mommy is my friend Bernadette.

Several of the boys are "graduating" to the Infant 2 room and it will be just Eva and another little boy in the Infant 1 room for most of the summer. She'll get some extra special attention. Plus she is the first girl they've had in the room for quite a few months.

Her teacher, Stella, said the Eva is especially strong and alert for her age. Eva now holds her head up for a really long time and likes to rock side-to-side. Her hands are a constant fascination this week. She even tries to hold her own bottle now.
Look at me. I hold my bottle like a big girl.