Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Very talented kids

So while not techincally an Eva post, it does involve some very talented kids. I can't stop laughing everytime I see this one. Best commerical of the year. PERIOD. Plus - who doesn't love Rapper's Delight?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"I need ...."

With all her words, Eva is figuring out that she needs a lot of stuff.
"I need more water mommy."
"I need grandma book."
"I need blanket."
"I need ball."

She is really starting to string together quite a few words and it is so fun the see. It is also awesome to see her memory building. Last night, I put her to bed and she was playing with a golf ball. I told her to put it away and she could have it in the morning. Eva woke up this morning as said "I need ball mommy." I couldn't believe she remembered. Smart cookie.

As a reminder that they grow up fast, a picture of her and daddy about a year ago.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All I want for Christmas is...

Technically its what mom wants for Christmas for Eva. But isn't it adorable? Eva loves playing in the kitchens of her cousins houses. I love that its wood and that it is RED!
Pottery Barn Kids - Red Retro Kitchen

Friday, December 4, 2009

"I hold you mommy"

Its the phrase that just melts my heart. Eva says this when she wants to be picked up. How can you say no to that?

Welcome back from our break - I was super busy at work (what else is new?) and promise to get Christmas pictures updated quickly. Eva has been busy learning all sorts of words and phrases and developing gross and small motor skills like crazy. She can now ride her scooter we bought for her in London, says multi-word phrases like "sun, up high in the sky," and could color all day long holding her crayon just perfectly.

Below are some more recent pics of Eva and the family.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Galleria Girl

Shopping is in my genes.

Eva became well acquianted with the Galleria when I was on maternity leave. It was my "happy" place. I could get out of the house, look at pretty things (hello - Tiffany & Co.) and meet my sister and her kids. Plus - the Galleria has hands down the best nursing/family rooms in any shopping place I've seen.

We took a recent trip there this weekend and she was delighted with the shoes at Cole Haan. She charmed the sales clerks at StyledLife. Of couse, no trip would be complete with out a stop at PBK (Pottery Barn Kids for the uninitiated).
"No Water!"
Auntie gives me treats.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The words we know

Eva is fast becoming a little talker. Every day over the past two weeks we are amazed at what she has learned. In honor of her almost 1.5 birthday I decided to document the words she can say.

airplane (a favorite of hers)
all done
all gone
look it
ohh oh
shoes (go figure this was her third or fourth word, no idea where she gets that from...)
thank you
I am sure I am missing a few...

Names of people:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Easy Mac Girl

When we are in a pinch for a quick dinner for Eva, she gets Easy Mac. Fortunately she likes it as seen by the pics of her on the couch.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hard to believe

Its hard to believe how fast the first (almost) 15 months have flown by. Good bye to our baby and hello toddler! Later post on that coming up.

Speaking of good-byes we said good-bye to our wonderful neighboors, the Wills family. Anita, Nick, Sam and Jack - we will miss you terribly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ahh... It's spring time and that generally means time to get outside. At Grandma & Grandpa Reisinger's Eva has been 4-wheeling with mom and dad on the big rig. Eva's cousin Ava got her very own 4-wheeler for her 5th birthday this week (it is actually her birthday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA)! Ava was kind enough to share and give Eva a ride.

Two pricesses kicking up some dirt. Very funny since they are both wearing dresses that contain tulle.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Easter

Eva celebrated her second Easter this year. Last year she was only a few weeks old. Eva was dressed the part in a beautiful bunny coat Grandma Judy gave her last year. It was nice enough out to go on an Easter egg hunt. Eva didn't really get the concept but she enjoyed finding leaves and acorns.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bull in a china shop

On Monday night, Eva's auntie Elizabeth and cousin Will stopped by to say hello. It is so fun to see the two babies grow into toddlers together. Eva was very taken by Elizabeth and would try and weasel her way onto Elizabeth's lap, even sometimes trying to relocate Will. Little Will for his part, remained cool as a cucumber and shared his mommy. Auntie Elizabeth remarked how Eva is just into everything right now, like a bull in a china shop.

Well the next morning our little bull broke two things.
1 - Dad's glasses (although Dad's fault for giving them to her to play with).
2 - Wild glass from inaugural season

Fortunately it wasn't a trifecta.

Monday, April 27, 2009

What happens when mom is out of town

I recently spend some time away from my little angel while traveling for work. Dada took good care of her making sure she had her three squares a day. However, I am not so sure on what he was thinking what time dinner time was.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Eva Marie!

Eva turns one today. It makes me happy that she is growing up to be such a beautiful, bright little angel.

Things we love about Eva:

  • She perhaps has the world's best smile
  • The way she licks her lips while feeling her teeth (what are those fascinating things?)
  • When she runs to you when you pick her up from school
  • Her fiercly independant streak (Humm... does she get that from mama?)
  • Clacking her tongue
  • What a good eater she is. Favorites are garlic hummus, avacado, peas, spagetti with meat sauce, any type of cheese, and of course Cheerios.
  • How she loves to cuddle
  • Instead of sucking her thumb she uses two fingers
  • How we have no idea what color eyes she actually has
  • She flirts with boys already. Especially her boyfriend, Luke.

Everyday we have with her is a blessing. Happy Birthday Eva Marie!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You know you're addicted to your Blackberry when...

Eva's new favorite toy... And she has unlocked it. Sorry for any inadvertent calls from Eva.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Winter at the cabin

Yummy - cold snow.

Eva and dada recently went up to the cabin for a mini winter break. Eva got to eat snow, lick the frozen lake, go sledding and spend some quality time with dada. She is a little timid with the snow at first but after a few minutes Eva thinks its real fun. Eva even got to spend lots of time with Grandma Kathy and Cousin Ava.

See Eva - there's nothing to be afraid of. Cousin Ava demonstrates her skills.

OK - now Eva will give it a try.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub. Eva in the tub

Like most familys bath time is a favorite ritual for our little one. When we are filling up the tub she'll try and get in with all her clothes on. Now that she is a bigger, Eva really enjoys splashing as much as she can. We need to have a towel splash gaurd up to protect the bathroom from looking like a sinking ship.

Not that we mind with a happy face like this.

Eva and mommy (yes I match the tub).

Reason why baths are so important, dinner time and Eva's ability to self-feed (or smear food everywhere).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eva's walking

Eva has taken her first steps out of babyhood. It seemed like she regressed in her skills over the past two weeks but she was really saving up her talent. This past weekend, she officially walked (Pribyl definition is more than six consecutive steps)! She'll still crawl if she can get there faster but really enjoys walking. If she is walking to get to someone, she gets super excited when she is almost there and starts laughing. Definitely a proud mama!

Here is some video of her walking.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Helping out with laundry

Eva decided to help us out with laundry one day by getting the laundry basket. She had a lot of fun moving it around the house. You'll see how Eva is developing some problem solving skills with her maneuvering around.

I am amazed at how quickly the time has gone. Tomorrow she'll be 11 months old.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Little walker baby

Eva is tentatively taking her first steps in this world. She can walk really good while holding onto either mom or dad's finger. Eva also loves to push her walker toys all around the house. I particularly find this amusing when I let her do this in her birthday suit. Hilarious to see the chubby little thighs working away.

If she is in the mood she'll take a few steps by herself when walking between Jamie and I. It is funny when she actually realizes she isn't holding onto anything and get a little scared.

Any bets on when she'll take six unsupported steps?

Hard to believe our baby is getting so big. Her 1st birthday is less than two months away!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're back!

I took a little hiatus on updates as we got super busy with Eva's first Christmas and then I was busy at work.

Eva has been learning all sorts of things now. We are trying hard to teach her gentle touches. She can be a little rough with some of the younger babies at daycare. I guess she was so used to having to hold her own with all the older boys for a long time. She really enjoys her school and even has a best buddy, Rosie.

Occasionally we still let Eva rough-house. Here she is with her cousin Ava who is such a sport.