Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ahh... It's spring time and that generally means time to get outside. At Grandma & Grandpa Reisinger's Eva has been 4-wheeling with mom and dad on the big rig. Eva's cousin Ava got her very own 4-wheeler for her 5th birthday this week (it is actually her birthday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA)! Ava was kind enough to share and give Eva a ride.

Two pricesses kicking up some dirt. Very funny since they are both wearing dresses that contain tulle.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Easter

Eva celebrated her second Easter this year. Last year she was only a few weeks old. Eva was dressed the part in a beautiful bunny coat Grandma Judy gave her last year. It was nice enough out to go on an Easter egg hunt. Eva didn't really get the concept but she enjoyed finding leaves and acorns.