Friday, February 20, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub. Eva in the tub

Like most familys bath time is a favorite ritual for our little one. When we are filling up the tub she'll try and get in with all her clothes on. Now that she is a bigger, Eva really enjoys splashing as much as she can. We need to have a towel splash gaurd up to protect the bathroom from looking like a sinking ship.

Not that we mind with a happy face like this.

Eva and mommy (yes I match the tub).

Reason why baths are so important, dinner time and Eva's ability to self-feed (or smear food everywhere).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eva's walking

Eva has taken her first steps out of babyhood. It seemed like she regressed in her skills over the past two weeks but she was really saving up her talent. This past weekend, she officially walked (Pribyl definition is more than six consecutive steps)! She'll still crawl if she can get there faster but really enjoys walking. If she is walking to get to someone, she gets super excited when she is almost there and starts laughing. Definitely a proud mama!

Here is some video of her walking.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Helping out with laundry

Eva decided to help us out with laundry one day by getting the laundry basket. She had a lot of fun moving it around the house. You'll see how Eva is developing some problem solving skills with her maneuvering around.

I am amazed at how quickly the time has gone. Tomorrow she'll be 11 months old.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Little walker baby

Eva is tentatively taking her first steps in this world. She can walk really good while holding onto either mom or dad's finger. Eva also loves to push her walker toys all around the house. I particularly find this amusing when I let her do this in her birthday suit. Hilarious to see the chubby little thighs working away.

If she is in the mood she'll take a few steps by herself when walking between Jamie and I. It is funny when she actually realizes she isn't holding onto anything and get a little scared.

Any bets on when she'll take six unsupported steps?

Hard to believe our baby is getting so big. Her 1st birthday is less than two months away!