Monday, November 24, 2008

Here's Floyd back

My predictions of a Minnesota victory over Iowa were a little off the mark. Getting pummeled by the Hawks was a fitting way to end the terrible era of Gopher football in the "Dome." Next year, outdoor football will be back on campus - it will be a good time to get Eva to her first Gopher game.

I can take solace in the fact that we have hockey...

PS - Minnesota still leads the series 39-33-2

To aunt Jane - here is Floyd back.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Eva is so lucky to have such a large family. So many aunties and uncles to love her. While we don't get to see the Pribyl side in Alabama much she sure loves them.

Eva and Auntie Patti have a special moment in Asheville.
Do you think she has Jamie's coloring?!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How quickly they learn

Its hard to believe that Eva just mastered the skill of crawling and now she is onto another. Her auntie Cassy is the best bargain shopper we know and finds all sorts of good deals for Eva toys. Eva now has toys that are just the right height to pull herself up on. We're afraid that she knows how to pull-up really well but doesn't get the whole getinng down thing quite yet. If one of the toys is by the couch she can cruise from the toy to the couch cushion. Such a big girl!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Adventures of a mobile baby

Miss Eva has officially learned to crawl. She was stuck on the army crawl for a little over a month. Now she has the hang of the butt in the air and moving on all fours. Time to go get some baby gates for the house. Her favorite things to crawl to are cords of any kind. Very fascinating.
Here she is demonstrating her new skills.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am a big girl now

Major developments happen so quickly at this age. Eva has been working so hard at crawling and pulling herself up. She's made great accomplishments on those feats. I read when babies are developing these gross motor skills, it can really affect their sleep patterns. Last night she awoke at 11PM crying, which was very unusual. She wasn't hungry, just really sad. I rubbed my finger on her gums and thought I felt something but I wasn't quite sure as I was super groggy. Today it was confirmed. Eva has her first tooth! Dada and I can't believe how fast these awesome eight months have gone by. We are so proud of our big girl.

The new tooth should help our big girl skills of eating Cheerios and other foods we can pick up with our fingers!

Just learning how to self-feed.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let's go Gophers!!

OK - so the day after Halloween was the Minnesota Gopher homecoming football game. While we couldn't go to the full on festivities due to our cold, we did have to start the maroon and gold tradition running.

We all headed to the homecoming parade on University Avenue. Fortunately we've been having an unseasonably warm fall. No hat even required. Eva got to meet lots of mama's sisters from the sorority, or as we call them AO-Aunties.

She even got to see her friend, Lindsay. Little Lindsay was very generous with hugs and kisses for Eva. This moment was so precious - even random people were taking photos.

Finally we are at home, relaxing in our Gopher gear. Unfortunately Eva's team spirit didn't pull the Gophs through, they lost to Northwestern in the last minute of the game. As long as we beat Iowa... Auntie Jane - Floyd is coming back!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ha-Bee Halloween

Happy belated Halloween to all. Little Eva was a bumble bee. A very adorable but crabby bumble bee. She had a cold and and ear infection. Putting on her costume didn't make her the hap-bee-ish little girl on the block.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Big travels

Eva had her first plan ride last Tuesday. We flew to Asheville, North Carolina for Jamie's cousin, David's wedding. Eva was a super champ on the flight. The plan didn't give her ears any trouble. However, she didn't want to sleep. All the cool lights and noises kept her looking around. Even when dada brought her up to the galley, she was turning her little body around to see the rest of the plane.

Here she is after she finally fell asleep on the plane

Asheville had many exciting things to do. We went up to Chimney Rock and looked out at the beautiful vista below. Although Eva was way more interested in my empty water bottle (no need for fancy toys with this little one).

Eva toured the Biltmore and was pretty good being in the Baby Bjorne for two hours. For those of you that have seen her recently, you know this is a feat. This little girl just wants to go.

Here she is with mama and dada at the wedding

Dancing with cousin Will (it turned into a pajama party)